Product details
TEN GOOD REASONS FOR CHOOSING THE ELECTRO PERMANENT SYSTEM 1 No energy consumption: the chuck absorbs power only for a few seconds during the magnetizing and de-magnetizing phases 2 Always safe: if during the working plase current is cut out the chuck remains megnetized 3 Immediate work loading/unloading piece: Only a few seconds for loading/unloading the piece from its working position. 4 Simple and practical: very simple commands from the pushbotton panel. 5 Extremely accurate machining: The fixing force is electronically proportioned to the machining at hand by precisely adjusting the magnetic power 6 Perfect clamping: Since it is uniformly distributed along the clear of neutral points used for mechanical fixing. 7 Totaly free working surface: The working face are free and clear of neutral points used for mechanical fixing 8 Flexibility: prompt, since the discharged chuck is immediately ready to accept a new piece, even of a different size. 9 Reduction of other costs: All structures and other dedicated casing are eliminated even as a traditional cost items 10 Machine full exploitation : During machining, all available working surface is used.